Art is that moment of balanced meditation. Without creation, there is no life or breath. Ms. Meikle recieved her BFA in painting from SCAD in 2015. Other genres she works include sculpture, poetry, printmaking, photography, and dance. Her painting styles are predominantly abstract, contemporary, or highly conceptual expressive pieces. Creating gave her voice purpose and meaning. Ms. Meikle intends to spread this knowledge of self-worth.
Chalice Meikle (Florida, b.1990) received her BFA in Painting in winter 2015 from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA. Ms. Meikle moved to Charlotte, NC, in 2015 and created Unorthodox Studios from June 2017 to March 2020. She facilitated local artist's exhibitions, art classes, and sublet to fellow creatives there. Her goal was to rewrite the narrative for affordable gallery and classroom space. She moved her private studio to The VAPA Center in October of 2021 and has contributed many volunteer hours to help the organization thrive. In January 2023, she was unanimously appointed Chair of the Programming Committee. From 2022 to 2023, she worked with several non-profits, including The Arts and Empowerment Project, Arts Plus, The McColl Center, and The Light Factory.
Ms. Meikle has exhibited her works in multiple juried exhibitions, including ‘100 Tiny Things’, CIAF Blumenthal Arts, Charlotte, NC; ‘Counting Up,’ Levine Museum, Charlotte, NC; and ‘Unbound,’ Charlotte Art Leauge in Charlotte, NC. Her artwork has been influenced and shifted while in residence with Dacia Gallery, New York, NY, the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago in Chicago, IL, during a Low-Residence Masters Program and the Braitman Studio in Charlotte, NC. Ms. Meikle is working on a certificate in art management to complement her degree and programming work life. She works and resides in Charlotte, NC.